Stories from the Green Heart.

A Day at the Lao Friends Hospital for Children.

Check our blog post for more information and links to Friends Without A Border:

Our Promise Campaign for Save the Children Internatonal in Lao PDR.

Short review by Adri Berger for Running Reel

Mal-Nutrition and Stunting in Lao PDR

Malnutrition remains one of the most serious threats to children’s health in Lao PDR. Nearly half the country’s children suffer some form of nutrition-related illness. In some areas of the country more than half of the children under 5 years of age are stunted, a condition that is marked by slow growth as a result of poor and malnutrition. Please Read More Here on our Blog

Her Story, Our Story!

A film and Music Video for Save the Children International, Laos.

The video was filmed in three languages; Lao, Khmu and Hmong.

Jaidee is the mascotte for the Lao Friends Hospital for Children. Here Jaidee shows the procedures so patients in the waiting area undersans what to expect and how long it can take before a doctor can see them.

Khmu Language version; I protect You, You protect Me.

The importance of giving blood can not be stressed enough. There s almost always a chronic shortage in the north of Laos and here a short request by Mila Duangmixay.

RADAid Friendship Turnkey Radiology System.

We made this film for the Lao Friends Hospital for Children. Mone suffered from a severe Typhoid fever which had a serious impact on her brain. When first admitted to LFHC, her chance of survival were slim. This video shows the collaborative and hard work of the hospital staff helping Mone develop from having uncontrolled movements to being able to go back to school independently.

OUR PROMISE: Significant Change Stories

Read more about the campaign here

July 2020 as part of SCI ‘Our Promise Campaign’.

Social Behaviour Change Communication

The ‘Promise is the promise (commitment) of mothers, fathers, grandparents, extended family members and communities to take action and work together to ensure 1,000 day pregnant women and children are well cared for and have good nutrition. The promise is doable and feasible. If the promise is kept, families and communities will see visible benefits from improved mother and child care, feeding and hygiene practices, such as happier, healthier mothers and children. The whole village will benefit not just now but in the future. 


Client; Save the Children, Luang Prabang, Northern Laos.

Thanks to Louise Sampson from Save the Children for all her advice and input.

This story is about Dok Chit. When she was born the umbilical cord was around her neck and she could not breathe.



From Professor Jeffrey Measelle:

At a time when scientific advances could be used to strengthen early childhood policies and practices, knowledge is frequently dismissed or ignored and children are paying the price. Healthy early development depends on nurturing and dependable relationships.
Culture influences all aspects of early development through child-rearing beliefs and practices.
Early childhood programs must balance the focus on cognition and literacy skills with comparable attention to the emotional and social development of all children, including those with special needs.

Violence Against Children

Client; Save the Children International, Lao PDR
Production; Running Reel
Director and DoP; Adri Berger
Assistant Director: Dorn Bouttasing
Camera Assistance/ Edit: Dara Pathammavong

Written by; Joseph Surivong

In cooperation with:
Anne Bockman, Child Psychologist
CECC, Centre of Education and Culture for Children, Vientinane
ACDA, Aid Children with Disability Association, Vientiane

With the aim of enhancing the knowledge base of Child Rights for children and adult citizens in Lao PDR, the Child Rights Learning Network decided to produce a video to raise children’s & adult’s awareness on the child right to be protected from violence, with special focus on physical violence, its effects on children and positive disciplines examples. The creation of this media will support and complement the awareness raising role of Laos NPAs on child rights and will contribute to a better knowledge of child rights to the target population. CECC was selected by Save the Children International together with ACDA to lead a participative process in preparation of the video.

You Can Stop It

An interesting approach to help give out more information about HIV infection, how to deal with it whilst at the same time promoting prevention. The film was well received in Laos and the story appreciated throughout the community.

The use of puppets gave the story depth and helped to create more impact in the way it was received.





Mentoring in the Heart of the Hospital

This is the story of success within the mentoring program in Northern Laos, by developing district level mentors who will build capacity within their own facility. The new mentors are being trained by Lao trainer mentors and these short films shows you how and why.

The concept: We wanted to make an educational film on mentoring to show the steps in a creative and visual way that will be combined with a training manual. These resources will be shared in order that the mentoring approach can be replicated by others in different geographical locations and across different professions.

Client; Save the Children International, Lao PDR
Production; Running Reel
Director and DoP; Adri Berger
Production Assistance; Mija Son, Chantaluck
Camera Assistance/ Edit: Dara Pathammavong

In cooperation with:
Save the Children, Northern Laos
Supported by USAID
Special thanks to Helen Catton, Dr Linh, Dr Van Penh, Mentor Saypinh and all other mentors participating in the workshops and film.

Read more…

Story of Thongsy

The “Story of Thongsy” offers a look at the amazing work being performed by the doctors, nurses and staff at the Lao Friends Hospital for Children. The video, produced by Running Reel/Adri Berger, premiered at the 16th Annual New York Gala held by Friends Without A Border in New York.